The Public is invited to all meetings. |
Unless otherwise noted, meetings are held at The Toll Plaza Administration Building, located at
the South end of the Golden Gate Bridge, twice a month on the second and fourth Friday of each month at 10:00 a.m.
in the board room on the second floor. If you wish to make a comment during the
meeting, you must fill out the special form "Request for Public Comment"
are available in the board room
at the sign-up desk in the rear, before the start of the
meeting. There are five standing committees of the Board of Directors that generally meet once a month as follows, with the exception of the Finance-Auditing Committee: Transportation Committee: (Meets the first Thursday of the month) - reviews and oversees all matters affecting the Golden Gate Bridge traffic and Golden Gate Transit bus and ferry systems, including transit equipment, routes and services. Building and Operating Committee: (Meets the first Friday of the month) - reviews and oversees the planning, design and construction programs for Golden Gate Bridge and Golden Gate Transit facility capital improvements projects and related maintenance, repair and research projects. Rules, Policy and Industrial Relations Committee: (Meets the third Thursday of the month) - reviews and updates the Rules of the Board, Personnel Guide and Procurement Manual; reviews, develops and oversees personnel policies and employer-employee relations; and, reviews and oversees the Affirmative Action Program and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program. Governmental Affairs and Public Information Committee: (Meets the third Friday of the month) - reviews and evaluates all federal, state and local legislation affecting the District's operations; and, reviews and develops programs and procedures for public information, press relations, marketing, advertising and community participation. Finance-Auditing Committee: (Meets the second and fourth Thursdays of the month) - reviews all matters substantially affecting the fiscal operation of the District, including revenues, expenditures, investments and related fiscal matters; reviews and monitors the District's annual operating and capital budget; reviews financial reports, auditing reports and accounting practices; reviews applications for federal and state funding grants; provides general stewardship of the District's funds; reviews all matters affecting the District's insurance programs; and, reviews, analyzes and assesses, in conjunction with the Attorney, all claims and litigation matters in which the District is a party and in which one or more counties of the District are co-parties, as well as potential exposures of the District. |
Public Comments Notes: This portion of the meeting, does not exceed 30 minutes, has been allowed for public comments concerning items of interest within the subject matter jurisdiction of the committee. Each individual will be allowed 3 minutes. Said time frame may be extended only upon approval of the committee. |
The current Board of Directors are (as of 4/99): and some of there links. |
Office of the District
Deputy General Managers
Department Heads
Current Board of Directors:
To write to any of the following committee's or Directors. There address is: |
Phone: 415-921-5858 |