Citizens for a Safe Golden Gate Bridge |
Robert M. Guernsey |
Founder & Chairman of the Board |
Director Schweiger |
Director Kirkbride |
May 4, 1999 Mrs. Celia G. Kupersmith - General Manager Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District P.O. Box 9000, Presidio Station San Francisco, CA 94129-0601 Dear Mrs. Kupersmith: |
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your appointment as general manager of the most important transit
district in the Bay Area, we would also like to state that you have many admirable qualifications to further the needs for safety
on the Golden Gate Bridge. Director Schweiger and myself met with Carney Campion in late October of 1997. Mr. Campion assured us that he would take care of the two most important issues needed to make the bridge safe by year end of 1997. It seem to be well on its way. By mid 1998 the issues lost there order in the scheme of bridge safety: |
1. Golden Gate Bridge; Seismic Retrofit Project: $248,876.600.00 2. Golden Gate Bridge; MMB by: Barrier Systems Inc. Quick Change: $7,292.500.00 |
As Citizens for a Safe Golden Gate Bridge public campaign for the Movable Median Barrier (RDS) officially started (when all hell broke-out) at a press conference on February 20, 1996 to assure the public of the importance and need to install a MMB across the Golden Gate Bridge, there have been several other safety improvements added, that seem to have jumped ahead of the MMB project by the board director’s Building And Operating Committee agenda: |
1. Deck Underside Repaint: (None paid out?) |
2. Electronic Toll Collection: $4,183,600.00 |
3. Public Safety Railing: $250,000.00 |
4. Suicide Deterrent: $78,000.00 |
5. And several other items needed for the Transit Buses, Ferryboat’s and the NWP Rail System. |
We feel that the district has made an attempt in securing the MMB to prevent needless head on-collisions for both Doyle Drive
and the Golden Gate Bridge. Also for some unknown reason the DOT has backed out of a verbal agreement with the Golden
Gate Bridge District to place the much-needed MMB from Barrier Systems Inc on Doyle Drive. In closing, we feel that the
promise made by the Board of Directors in 1997-98 have lost its order of importance as monies are being spent on the other
projects that are not as important as the Movable Median Traffic Safety Barrier/MMB. |
Respectfully yours: Robert M. Guernsey CC: District Engineer, Mervin Giacomini Barrier Systems, Ed Wood John P. Ehlen, PE |
Golden Gate
Bridge, Highway
District |
MERVIN C GIACOMINI PE District Engineer |
May 13, 1999 Via Fax: (415) 456-4794 Mr. Robert M. Guernsey/Founder & Chairmen of the Board Citizens for a Safe Golden Gate Bridge Dear Mr. Guernsey: |
The General Manager has asked me to respond to your May 4, 1999, letter regarding the implementation of a movable median
barrier on the Golden Gate Bridge. As you know, the Board, by Resolution No. 98-116, authorized conceptual approval for
the installation of the Barrier Systems, Inc, one-fool-wide quick-change movable median barrier on the Golden Gate Bridge,
and authorized staff to finalize costs of installation, obtain permits, identify funding sources and to develop acceptable solutions
to items left to be resolved after conceptual approval. The above items of work are recommended for authorization in a report to the Building and Operating Committee titled "Golden Gate Bridge Movable Median Barrier, Authorize Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Barrier Systems, Inc. For Preliminary Engineering" This item is currently pending in the Building and Operating Committee. For the status of this item, refer to the published Agenda for the B&O Committee, or check with the District Secretary, Jan Tarantino. Please call me if you have any other questions. Mervin C. Giacornini. PE. District Engineer MCG/kmp |
Box 9000, Presidio Station- San Francisco, CA. 94129-0601 |