What People Are Saying...(Letters and email we receive) |
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On the road sides of the pedestrian and bike paths, taller fences are needed to prevent people from falling into the roadway. /Pierre R La Plant, Ph.D./Richmond, CA |
____________________________________________________________________________________ It looks like you're fighting the Good Fight to protect the citizens from needless accidents on the Golden Gate Bridge. Your web site is well-designed and very interesting! Am I to understand that the Bridge District originally rejected your proposal because of the orthographic deck with trapezoidal ribs? Does that mean that they can't CUT them to install the Retractable Delineator System? Have you come up with a solution for that, or could they change that during the Seismic Retrofit? Your solution is not only a good one, but it's even ATTRACTIVE. (I looked at the pictures of the barrier proposed by Barrier Systems of Carson City, and the thing is kind of UGLY, whereas yours is sleek and elegant. And I like the idea of being able to control it from a laptop computer. Anyway, keep up the good work! Jim Moran Jim. Moran@surf.com |
____________________________________________________________________________________ As a former resident of the Bay Area, (1967-71), I'd like to say that I'm in full agreement with the concerns of your group, although I'm rather concerned that it's taken such a death toll on or about the Bridge to get the authority's attention. In retrospect, the worst accident I remember was in 1969/70, when a 3-passenger Porsche (clocked at approx. 130 mph) collided with a northbound Mustang (6-8 occupants). The collision was so intense that the Porsche engine, in flames, was airborne for over a hundred feet. My then-supervisor, also northbound, thought it was a meteor or low-flying plane on fire, until he approached the accident scene, which he described as the worst he had ever seen. While this accident did occur at the Bridge approaches, it very definitely made me aware of the daily chances one took when using the facility. I fully support your activities, now and in the future, to make a Golden Gate Bridge trip a safe one. Bob Nordstrom/frtgbuff.@comio.com |
____________________________________________________________________________________ A few months ago a friend of mine and his girlfriend were involved in a head-on collision on the bridge. The person driving the other car looked out to the water and swerved over and hit them head on. They had been wearing their seatbelts. The driver had to be taken out with the jaws of life but his injuries were not life threatening. His girlfriend walked away from it with bad bruises and cuts. My friends and I love San Francisco and visit frequently (we live in L.A.) but the bridge is something that we do not always cross. It is scary to think what could happen. The barriers should have been put up a long time ago! How many people need to die or be seriously injured. Hsieh was quoted as saying that it would cause gridlock and long waits for the bridge. In my opinion, I would like to get to my destination a little late than to never make it at all. If I lived in your city you would have my signature. Thank-you and good luck. Cheryl Shore, Los Angeles CA/cheryl@lsmedia.com |
____________________________________________________________________________________ I am from Marin County and numerous times driving across the bridge, I have had to avoid people who think they own the road. I believe that the speed limit should be enforced. This past week, my father saw a cop chasing a Acura Legend at 90 mph across the bridge. First of all, I commend the cop for slowing down and radioing ahead to the toll booth that this car was coming. IF the police would have continued at 90mph, there may have been more damage than was already caused by the speeding car. I never let my parents drive in the "Suicide Lane", because I fear for their lives. I am currently in Las Vegas, Nevada, but I visit my parents in Belvedere quite frequently. I myself drive in the far right hand lane. A "pop-up" barrier just might be the answer the head-on collision problems. Of course, one needs to be developed that can remain in tact and upright in the event of a collision. Enough lives have been taken so far, so let's put an end to the head on collisions. Thank you for your time. Christiana Hellmann,/Duckwin@aol.com |
____________________________________________________________________________________ Dear Sirs: In the early 1960s, Cal-Trans determined the best road divider was a four foot cyclone fence with three added one inch wire ropes connected to each post, at varying heights. The wire ropes stopped a vehicle, while the damaged cyclone fence absorbed the energy. This divider was superior to a steel rail, as the colliding car did not bounce off, back into traffic, or flip over into the oncoming traffic. This design was used in southern California, but was abandoned due to the cost of repairs. I no longer have their reference to this design. I believe they conducted tests at an abandoned airbase, using radio controlled junk cars. You should consider wire rope in your desire to be minimum width. Richard Soderholm,/rsoderho@ix.netcom.com ____________________________________________________________________________________ |
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Citizens for a Safe Golden Gate Bridge is not responsible for the Constance of these responses by others. |
"Return home Safe" |